Camões Pharmacy

If you are not on one of your best days and are looking for a place to buy medicine so that you could feel yourself again, Camões Pharmacy might have just what you are looking for. And with the ESNcard, we offer you two more advantages, so don't forget to check the discounts below!

Adress: Praça Luís de Camões 22-24, Lisbon, Portugal

Opening Hours:

Monday to Friday: 8:30 - 19:30
Saturday: 9:00 - 19:00


  • 5% off in all the products of the pharmacy
  • Free delieveries within the radius of 1km of the pharmacy (depending on time and staff availability)

How to use the discount?

  • Show them your ESNcard when paying
Any questions you may have, feel free to contact them either by phone (+351 21 347 3589) or email (